Monday, October 19, 2009

Quiz Study Guide

Good evening class. In preparation for your exam on Wednesday I have equipped the following question bank. The multiple choice questions are not on this BLOG...just the open-ended questions. Remember to prepare. This is college... Your actual quiz questions will be selected from the questions below, so be sure you are well prepared. Good Luck!!

1) How is classical music still used in today's time?

2) Between (insert composer here) and (insert composer here), which one do you like the best and why? (Be able to support statement with facts about the composers. They will be random so make sure you are familiar with all of them that have been covered)

3) What is "opera buffa", and which composer is most famous for the notion?

4) How do you feel about the noble art of classical music being used for children's cartoons, candy commercials, etc.?

5) If you could speak to (insert composer here), what would you ask them concerning their inspirations and why?

6) Did opera buffa destroy the classical music world, or was it just what the doctor ordered?

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